Palm trees and the Gold Coast go together like Batman and Robin...

Except Batman brings all his family, friends and relatives for a feast.

These unwanted guests can wreak havoc on your garden and nearby belongings - for you and your neighbours.
So what can be done?
Option 1: Clean the Palm trees
Palm cleaning consists of removing all:
dead fronds;
seed pods; and
sprouted berries.
Palm cleaning on the Gold Coast & Brisbane is usually an annual job.
You should always used a qualified and insured arborist for palm cleaning as they will be trained in safely accessing the tree and lowering cuttings (sprouted palm berries can weigh up to 40kgs) in a controlled manner.
Also, arborists know not to stress the tree by over-pruning. If too many fronds are taken from the palm it will begin to look like a pineapple rather than a palm tree. A palm that is put under stress, goes into hyper-growth in order to stay alive. This means it will push out more seed pods leading to more berries next season - not what you want!
Option 2: Remove the Palm trees
Cocos Palms are classified as a weed species on the Gold Coast & Brisbane. They need maintaining, so it is common to remove them completely. You can read more on Cocos palms at the Brisbane City Council website - click here.
Cocos Palms can look great when they are well maintained and planted in the right places.
If you have any questions or need some advice on your cocos palms, please give Julia a call on 0490355360.